Monday 20 January 2014

love and indifference

Many and many a year ago, I fell in love with a dame, love bled from whose veins. Insincere and pretentious reality did I not see. Damn o damn I dug my own grave. From that very first moment –I had not been like others, I had not been me. I opened every part of my soul to him, I let my body feel his touch. My body, my temple was his to worship and his to worship alone. I would drive my passions from the same common spring- from the same root that sheltered my desire. All I loved, I loved alone was the beating of his passionate heart. How unfortunate of my fate that I lost the man I praised. “Cry not my dear, for nothing is in vain. You will hear a calling to a path worth following, in a dime, to relieve your pain.” Said my mama. As unaware as she was of the truth; yet It seemed like mama was writing my story because then came the calling of that path worth following.

Third day of college and no sight of max. I searched left I searched right, I searched up and I searched down yet he was nowhere to be found. Eventually I gave up. Sitting on the pavement, way beyond the college road, I looked up and saw him standing, my dreamy bloke.

“Max couldn’t be here, he sends his apology. May I sit with you for a bit to keep you company?”, says the pretty boy.

Now here is where you wish me mad, I said no I said I’ll be alright. I said no, I don’t know why. He stood up and smiled. Beautiful just beautiful those wide sparkling eyes. “No wait, don’t go. Stay please stay” I screamed and I shouted as he went his own way. If only he could hear my thoughts, damn he flew away. If only I had spoken my mind, had he stayed and saved me from my regrets.

No mater, no matter, it happens once or twice. Even the most perfect of us fail, it’s bound to happen for the ultimate prize. I merely sat there for minutes and I heard footsteps come by, “Am here, am back, I just couldn’t pass by.” I smiled , I giggled, I shinned like a twinkle.

We began to explore the world, together yet; alone. Well he had a girl and I had baggage, we really didn’t seem like a perfect package. At that very moment, on the pavement, beyond the college road, sat him and I, falling in love as we stayed unknown.

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